Tuesday 2 September 2014

Summary of last week

There is much to do now so I do not have time to blog as I thought but here are anyway a small sign of life from me.
Last week was spent in Malmö and Mörrum in the job. My fears that it would be hard to eat right was in vain. It went very well and I have eaten well throughout the week. However, I did not eat my porridge for breakfast for four days but it was the only one.
The training, however, has suffered. I had time for a short run of 8k in Malmö, the first one since last fall. Since returning home, I rode on Saturday, my birthday, just under 3 h easy because I have a slight cold comming.
I feel I'm starting to find a concept in everyday life with the Vegan food. Everything works fine and I take the time to cook more than I did before. This also means that I almost always have food with me to work the day after. It's all about planning!

My plan for the upcomming winter is to run more often. I hope I can make it two times a week. The rest of the training will be in- and outdoor cycling and some gym at home. 

Have a nice day and CTFU!!

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