Tuesday 19 August 2014

Travel in work as a Vegan

So far, so good to be vegan but now I stand for a challenge I'm sure to master it but it will require some effort on my part.
Now and then, I travel for work, and then including the lunch meetings. As for the Swedish restaurants' adaptation to the Vegan diet is not good, I must be prepared to eat simple meals or try to find a good restaurant. The latter, however, is not so simple.
Unfortunately, I am met by a negative connotation when I tell them about the choices I have made. They think it is a bit odd and weird. But with a little thought, I wonder who is really odd. We Vegans who eat what the earth gives us, or carnivores that eat dead animals ?!

For each day that passes I become more and more convinced of my choice. And with that conviction, I will take on all the challenges that are given to eat right and good for my business trips. I can alway live on a bunch of bananas :)

Have a nice evening and carb the fuck up !!

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