Saturday 16 August 2014

Early ride

Liniment season! Only +8 degrees when I rolled out at 06:30.
Woke up without the alarm today at 06:00 so what to do then? Of course I went for a ride, a short one. Just under 1 h @247W in average. That will be 3,3 W/kg. Nice ride in zone 3. My legs screamed: Why the fuck are you doing this so early in the morning and without breakfast? But I told them to shut up, like Jens Voigt :) (You can find my ride here)

Today I watched the last hour of the 6th stage of Eneco Tour. What a race! Attacks all the time and narrow winding roads up and down. It could´n be better.
In a week the Vuelta a España start. It will be one of the best ever if you look at which ones to attend. I´ll look forward to the battle between Froomie and Quintana. But don´t count Rodrigues out. I'm also curious to see what Adam Yates can do. I great talant.

Take care and carb the fuck up!

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