Thursday 21 August 2014

First puncture of the year

I got the first puncture of the year yesterday in the woods with my MTB. I had an extra tube with me so there will be no problem to change, I thought ... but I have a Center Lock on my wheels and no tools to remove it with, damn! I managed to get home by pumping the rear tire every 300 meters, it took a while but I came home. In all the rage, I took my cyclocross and dusted 10k hard to let of steam so the workout was pretty good anyway.

Have a nice day and carb the fuck up!

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Travel in work as a Vegan

So far, so good to be vegan but now I stand for a challenge I'm sure to master it but it will require some effort on my part.
Now and then, I travel for work, and then including the lunch meetings. As for the Swedish restaurants' adaptation to the Vegan diet is not good, I must be prepared to eat simple meals or try to find a good restaurant. The latter, however, is not so simple.
Unfortunately, I am met by a negative connotation when I tell them about the choices I have made. They think it is a bit odd and weird. But with a little thought, I wonder who is really odd. We Vegans who eat what the earth gives us, or carnivores that eat dead animals ?!

For each day that passes I become more and more convinced of my choice. And with that conviction, I will take on all the challenges that are given to eat right and good for my business trips. I can alway live on a bunch of bananas :)

Have a nice evening and carb the fuck up !!

Saturday 16 August 2014

Early ride

Liniment season! Only +8 degrees when I rolled out at 06:30.
Woke up without the alarm today at 06:00 so what to do then? Of course I went for a ride, a short one. Just under 1 h @247W in average. That will be 3,3 W/kg. Nice ride in zone 3. My legs screamed: Why the fuck are you doing this so early in the morning and without breakfast? But I told them to shut up, like Jens Voigt :) (You can find my ride here)

Today I watched the last hour of the 6th stage of Eneco Tour. What a race! Attacks all the time and narrow winding roads up and down. It could´n be better.
In a week the Vuelta a EspaƱa start. It will be one of the best ever if you look at which ones to attend. I´ll look forward to the battle between Froomie and Quintana. But don´t count Rodrigues out. I'm also curious to see what Adam Yates can do. I great talant.

Take care and carb the fuck up!

Friday 15 August 2014


My Bianchi cyclocross

The weeks are flying away faster then ever now and it´s already friday. Today I set the alarm for 05:30 to hit the road and trails with my overhauled cyclocross for a recovery ride (the ride on Strava). +10 degrees, sun and a perfect tuned bike did the ride epic. This week will be a week with less training just because the lack of the time I have. I hope I have time to do two ride this weekend.

Since I converted to Vegan I have been feeling so much better generally. I don´t race right now so I have no proof if my cycling is better but the feeling when I ride is signifikant better. Previously my lowest weight has been 78 kg (this is in the middle of the summer when I´m leanest) but now the scale shows 75 kg. Thats pretty good for a 190 cm guy...I think.

My focus is now to sleep properly, at least 7,5-8 h, to drink plenty of water and to eat good meals with lots of carbs, like I´ve done all the summer now with good result.

Have a nice evening and carb the fuck up!!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

My breakfast

What do I eat for breakfast? If I have time, and I try to take me time, I always do my special oatmeal.
-  2 cups of Oats
- 3,5 cups of water
- 2,5 cups of oatmilk
- 1 sliced banana
- Some raisins
- A pinch of salt

When it´s done I sprinkle some cane suger to make it real sweet and tasty. The consistency is loose so I take no milk to this.

Enjoy your meal and have a nice day!

Sunday 10 August 2014

My first post

Ok, time to start a new blog. Previously I tried to run a blog which was about my life as a ordinary cyclist, ( I didn´t want to continue because of my big turnaround in my life. What was my turnaround then?

In may I stopped eating meat, mainly to improve my health even more. But soon, one month later, I saw Gary Yourofskys speech (see below). That speech opened my mind completly and I got aware what is right in life. I also realized Vegan not only is a way to´s a lifestyle which I love and proud to be part of.

So, who am I? I am a Swedish guy born in the early 1970s living in Sweden. My big passions in life are, besides the family, are cycling and now the Vegan lifestyle of course. Other topic that will pop up here is all kinds of training, nature and travel.

For information I´ve also started a new channel on YouTube, me on You Tube

So a warm welcome here and I hope I can make this an interesting blog.